Saturday, October 30, 2010

A fun and busy October!

I can't believe it's taken so long to write another entry in here! This is a major fail on my part but hey October is a hard month for me in a few ways:
  1. It was a year ago this October that what I'm going to call the big confusing work incident thing. In short I got laid off, & was rehired as a temp after a very difficult and confusing time. I still don't know the whole of the story and I at this point I don't even want to. Anyways, after that started I went to a bad place where I didn't eat much, sleep, pay much attention to much of anything except create stuff. It was the fastest I have ever knitted a long scarf, I made various Halloween costumes for people, I completely reorganized my sewing box, my yarn supply, my beads, my tools, etc. I just did a lot of crafting and creating in between my blank staring at things. So of course I was really afraid that the year anniversary was going to trigger something. (It hasn't by the way unless you count the stress of worry)
  2. Since I've become more social in my life at home I've been getting out and about more. Which means I have less time to do other things. Also I have to take time to prepare for some of these things, and projects to finish.
  3. October is the month of one of my favorite holidays HALLOWEEN! It's a holiday with candy and dressing up how ever you want! How could anyone not like this holiday? And I tend to go a little overboard, which takes up even more time
But I've been thinking about this blog and about all the things I want to write about! 
Over the last few years I've rediscovered the joy of creating costumes for Halloween. People tend to underestimate their creativity and abilities to create costumes but it's only hard if you want it to be. Of course I have major costume envy of the creations of people that are better at sewing than I am but I do what I can, learn what I can and just try and make things as best I can! So now I will give some costume creating advice:
  • -When creating a costume it's always good to plan it out fully before you start your creating. This includes any tools you might use, the materials, and how you want it to look. Also measure things and don't just guess! That way you can perhaps see any potential problems. I've been known to have alternate plans for things because sometimes I attempt to do more than is in my current skills to correctly do. 
  • -Never be afraid to ask for help on things. 
  • -Don't get discouraged if things don't work out exactly how you wanted. Learn from your mistakes!
  • -if you don't know what you want to be get creative! Always dressed nice, neat and professional? Slob it up! Hardly ever dress up? Dust off your old prom dress! Got a bunch of old T shirts? Create something new out of it (the Generation T books/website is a great resource for that!) Have a friend the same size of you but has a completely different style? Switch clothes! Also you don't have to limit yourself to the imaginary or character type costumes! My Grandfather has put on a NHL Hockey jersey I gave him years ago for Halloween and says he's the oldest player on the team! In 5th grade I went as an artist! Members of my family have been the following for Halloween in the past: Babar, Octopus, Monarch Butterfly, Broccoli, Scary math test, Scary spelling test, The national debt, IRS Audit team member, IRS Audit team member after the IRS was trying to improve it's image (added angel wings and halo to previous IRS team costume), The Spirit of Halloween, Spider, Smiley face, A die, Crazed Fangirl!, Waldo, Bug, Kick butt action chick and a computer bug(virus). Of course there have been more traditional costumes, like witches, bats, cats, princesses, Superheroes, fairies, Characters out of movies, books, plays etc. 
  • -And always try and have fun
It's amazing what using fabric paint, or fabric markers can do to transform things. You can cut things up, sew things together, add decoration or remove decoration, pin things or tie things and come up with some really beautiful costumes that not only are fun to wear but you also have the pride of creating it yourself! People say the reason I love Halloween so much is because of it's theatricality and dramatic aspect. I somewhat agree but I also love the fun of putting costumes together, creating pieces, searching for that perfect prop, finding the right combination of things to put together a perfect look. Of course I love playing dress up and I'm not going to complain about the candy part either (especially after I discovered how much I love those orange white chocolate halloween Kit Kats that are only available around Halloween!)

Have a wonderful, awesome, fun filled Halloween!

Now it's getting to be quite late and I should be getting to bed. I'm not going to bother reading over this post now but I'll probably edit it tomorrow so I apologize for the disorganized rambling, spelling/grammar/punctuation errors, and the fact that I've probably forgotten some things. But I was really wanted to get another entry up before October was over and I'm cutting it pretty close to get something written and edited in time! So this is going up for now but after a nice night's sleep I'll defiantly be making some edits!

As always I welcome questions and comments! I'm not the best corespondent but no one is perfect, it would be much too convenient and probably very boring. 

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